Mammal Society
Promoting evidence-based conservation and management of mammals
- Derek Crawley Images
Derek Crawley is a member of the Mammal Society Council, with responsibility for the National Mammal Atlas and is chief verifer of records working closely with iRecord. He is the Staffordshire Mammal Recorder and is the founder chair of the Staffordshire Mammal Group for the last 18 years. Mammals are his hobby; carrying out surveys and direct observation on behavior... - Mammal Mapper App Sighting Records
iRecord verified public sightings of mammals collected using a free smart phone recording app - Mammal Mapper. This dataset contains records of all terrestrial mammals from across the UK, collected primarily by members of the public using the free Mammal Mapper smart phone app. Records include both presence only sightings and survey effort associted sightings... - National Mammal Atlas Project, online recording
Public sightings of mammals in Britain, submitted via an online recording form.
Usage statistics
Metadata last updated on 2022-10-19 15:01:13.0