Opiliones (Harvestman) Dataset
Biological Records Centre
This dataset includes both recent records published in the 2005 'Synopses of the British Fauna' and older data from the 1988 Provisional Atlas (further details below). The data originated from the Opiliones Recording Scheme (ORS) which began in 1973 and is jointly administered by the British Arachnological Society and the Biological Records Centre.
Geographic Description
The dataset gives reasonable coverage of England, Scotland and Wales but the highest recording density is in SE England. There is reasonable coverage of Ireland. There may be under-recording in some areas in Britain and Ireland. Most records were recorded at either 100m or 1km resolution although some are just at 10km resolution.
To record the distribution of members of the Opiliones, to generate distribution maps for atlases and to encourage future recording.
Data quality
The data were validated and verified by the Recording Scheme organiser, with voucher specimen collection where necessary. They are subject to standard BRC validation procedures.
Sampling was done using standard field methods (such as sweeping, beating and pitfall trapping). Data were assembled by the Scheme Organiser and then sent to BRC for processing, both in electronic format and on RA27 recording cards.
Biological Records Centre ([Insert download year]). Opiliones (Harvestman) Dataset. Occurrence dataset on the NBN Atlas
Usage statistics
Digitised records
Looking up... the number of records that can be accessed through the NBN Atlas. This resource was last checked for updated data on 09 Mar 2023. The most recent data was published on 09 Mar 2023.
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