SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2015-16: Morrich More SSSI
Caledonian Conservation
This dataset was gathered as part of a Scottish Natural Heritage contract in 2015-16. It provides the results of invertebrate surveys designed to inform Site Condition Monitoring at Morrich More SSSI. These surveys targeted the notified invertebrate assemblage feature (Hipparchia semele, Epirrhoe galiata, Mycomya lambi, Tipula nodicornis and Eurycercus glacialis), but other invertebrate taxa were also sampled.
Geographic Description
Morrich More SSSI
The surveys aimed to detect the presence of the notified invertebrate assemblage feature (Hipparchia semele, Epirrhoe galiata, Mycomya lambi, Tipula nodicornis and Eurycercus glacialis) of Morrich More SSSI in order to inform the site condition assessment.
Data quality
We have a very high level of confidence in this dataset. The recorder and/or determiner is a highly experienced ecologist. Where necessary, rare specimens were compared against reference collections, those held in the National Museums Scotland collection and identities confirmed with experts.
Surveys targeted the invertebrate assemblage feature of Morrich More SSSI.; however, surveys for other invertebrate taxa were also completed.
Surveys for Eurycercus glacialis were completed on 01/03/2016 using a 1 mm mesh pond net at regular intervals around eight waterbodies, ranging from ephemeral to permanent ponds. Collected specimens were then preserved in 70% isopropanol and identified in the laboratory.
Surveys for Diptera (Mycomya lambi and Tipula nodicornis) were carried out between 31/07/2015 and 02/08/2015 (inclusive) using an aerial net attached to a 3-m long pole and with a gape of approximately 0.5 m in diameter. Surveys were undertaken at eight locations across the site, concentrating on habitat edges.
Surveys for other terrestrial invertebrates were completed using a combination of bugvac sampling, sweep netting and active searches between 31/07/2015 and 02/08/2015 (inclusive). Habitats targeted included the mobile sand dunes to the east of the site, and stabilised sand dunes with heath and salt marsh. An 8V Heath trap was out on the evenings of 31/07/2015 and 01/08/2015 and the moths collected the following morning. Transects comprising five pitfall traps were installed at two locations on 02/08/2015, one in dune heathland and the second in salt marsh habitat, and collected on 11/08/2015.
A butterfly transect and additional sweep netting sessions were completed on 10/08/2015.
Caledonian Conservation ([Insert download Year]). SNH Invertebrate Site Condition Monitoring 2015-16: Morrich More SSSI. Occurrence dataset on the NBN Atlas
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Looking up... the number of records that can be accessed through the NBN Atlas. This resource was last checked for updated data on 13 Dec 2022. The most recent data was published on 13 Dec 2022.
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