Mosquito Recording Scheme
Biological Records Centre
UK mosquito distribution data derived from public collections and from an historical recording scheme.
Geographic Description
The survey covers Great Britain (including the Channel Islands) and Northern Ireland. The records are collated at varying grid references (10km, 1km, 0.1km).
Current purpose is to identify national distribution of mosquito species. Some of the records are historical, dating back to early 20th century from a previous (non HPA/BRC) recording scheme.
Data quality
All specimens submitted have been identified by experienced taxonomists. Submissions have been received sporadically throughout the year and from random locations, therefore this dataset should not be regarded as an exhaustive survey. All geographic location detail accompanying submission are assumed to be accurate and represent the location of collection and have been verified as far as reasonably possible.
All records collected through the Mosquito Recording Scheme are taken from specimens submitted by the public and identified at the Health Protection Agency or the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health to species level. Only specimens accompanied with precise geographical location details or grid references are included in the dataset.
Biological Records Centre ([Insert download year]). Mosquito Recording Scheme. Occurrence dataset on the NBN Atlas
Usage statistics
Digitised records
Looking up... the number of records that can be accessed through the NBN Atlas. This resource was last checked for updated data on 09 Mar 2023. The most recent data was published on 09 Mar 2023.
Click to view records for the Mosquito Recording Scheme resource.