Derek Crawley Images
Mammal Society
Derek Crawley is a member of the Mammal Society Council, with responsibility for the National Mammal Atlas and is chief verifer of records working closely with iRecord. He is the Staffordshire Mammal Recorder and is the founder chair of the Staffordshire Mammal Group for the last 18 years. Mammals are his hobby; carrying out surveys and direct observation on behavior. Derek has championed otters, dormice, hedgehogs and harvest mice over the years and runs training courses on their ecology.
Derek is now self employed as a land based assessor. He works as vocational training in Countryside Game Keeping and Fisheries and specialises in Fence installation.
The photographs are taken mostly in the wild, with small mammal being caught whilst undertaking humane surveys. Some are from British wildlife collections which Derek visits to help to see how the animals move and so aid recognition of that glimpse in the wild, and to get images for educational events.
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