HeathNet data
Biological Records Centre
Multi-taxa structured surveillance of heathlands.
Geographic Description
This dataset includes records collected during trials in 2013. Most sites were in southern and central England.
Heathland Surveillance Network (HSN) is a volunteer survey network that collects information about representative species on heathlands a^?? both common and rare. This dataset is from a pilot survey to test the potential for establishing a network of sites monitored by volunteers across lowland heathland in England.
Data quality
Data have been entered by volunteers and made available to verifiers via the iRecord verification system. Only verified records are included in this dataset.
Records were entered by volunteers into an Indicia portal designed for the HeathNet project. The dataset has been verified.
Biological Records Centre ([Insert download year]). HeathNet data. Occurrence dataset on the NBN Atlas
Usage statistics
Digitised records
Looking up... the number of records that can be accessed through the NBN Atlas. This resource was last checked for updated data on 07 Jun 2022. The most recent data was published on 07 Jun 2022.
Click to view records for the HeathNet data resource.