ALERT Non-Native Species Records for Signal Crayfish
Biological Records Centre
Recording Invasive Species Counts ( was launched in 2010 and includes on-line recording for 19 species including:
Signal Crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus
The Signal Crayfish is designated as an ALERT species and also within RISC.
The data is predominantly provided by members of the public but records are verified from photos by designated experts.
The recording form includes the option to provide abundance and whether the individual is dead or alive (or unknown).
Geographic Description
The geographic extent of the RISC dataset is GB. Ireland records non-native species through Invasive Ireland.
The majority of records in this dataset are collated with six figure grid-references.
Records are collated in order to add to knowledge of this group, including distribution, population trends, autecology and phenology. In addition, the scheme works with all contributing recorders to raise the profile of the species group and its conservation. Sharing the data via NBN helps achieve these aims.
Data quality
The data should be regarded as accurate because of the verification and validation mechanisms.
The data is collected by members of the public reporting their sightings through an on-line recording form (powered by Indicia). The records are casual observations. Records submitted with a photograph are verified by a designated expert and only these records are included within the dataset.
Biological Records Centre ([Insert download year]). ALERT Non-Native Species Records for Signal Crayfish. Occurrence dataset on the NBN Atlas
Usage statistics
Digitised records
Looking up... the number of records that can be accessed through the NBN Atlas. This resource was last checked for updated data on 07 Jun 2022. The most recent data was published on 07 Jun 2022.
Click to view records for the ALERT Non-Native Species Records for Signal Crayfish resource.